UBports participating in worldwide porting hackathon!

This Saturday, August 24th 2019, the UBports Porting Team and developers from Halium, LuneOS, and Plasma Mobile will hold the first Ofono Hackathon. The aim is to fix common issues in ofono/rild packages, specifically affecting Halium-7.1 porting (i.e. Android 6.0 and 7.1.x)

For worldwide participation, the event is in two 'sessions': 14:00 to 18:00 (UTC+2) and 20:00 (UTC+2) on. You can follow online in the Halium Telegram Channel.

For more details, please see the Ofono Hackathon Pad. Feel free to integrate current information with further useful details of your device and issue experiences like logs and such.

#UBports #Porting #UbuntuTouch #Halium #PlasmaMobile #LuneOS #Ofono #Hackathon

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