Merkel withheld information about Russia's intention to blackmail Europe with gas, German outlet reports

Russia aimed to accelerate the introduction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline into service without German authorities' certification by causing a gas deficit in Europe, Handelsblatt said, referring to a 2021 document from the German Economy Ministry.

The document also described Russian actions as threatening to cause "dramatic consequences," while the filling of gas storage facilities was called "very slow."

Gazprom filled its European gas storage only halfway by July 2021, according to the document.

Peter Altmaier, then-German economy minister, obtained the document and informed the cabinet of ministers, according to Handelsblatt. In October 2023, Merkel told the media that she did not see any signs of Russia cutting its gas supply to Europe.

#RussianAggression #blackmail #Germany #Merkel #gas #NordStream


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