#Pushya falls entirely in the Cancer sun sign and is the combination of Theta-Cancri, Gamma-Cancri, and Eta-Cancri. Its symbol, udder of the cow, represents the literal translation – #Nourisher or nourishment. The #cow is the most auspicious being in the Hindu religion. It is a symbol of fertility and productivity. Hence, it is said that the natives of Pushya Nakshatra are productive, happy, highly esteemed, stable-minded, and good-looking.
Astrological Range: 93°20′ to 106°40′ Cancer
#Nakshatra Number: 8
Gender: Male
Symbol: The udder of a cow; #Flower; #Circle
Presiding Deity: #Brihaspati
Controlling/Ruling Planet: #Saturn
Ruling Deity of Ruling Planet: #Hanuman
Shakti: Brahmavarchava Shakti
Caste: #Kshatriya
Nature: The light (Lagu)
Gana: Devas (God-like)
Body Varāhamihira: Mouth, face
Body Parashara: Lips
Rashi/Zodiac: Cancer sign
Marriage: Not auspicious
Translation: Nourisher
Beejakashra for 4 pada’s: Hoo, He, Ho, Dah
Lucky letters: H & D
Lucky Stone: Blue Saphire
Lucky Color: Blackish Red
Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 8
Common Name of Associated Tree: Sacred #Fig
Botanical Name of Associated Tree: Ficus religiosa
Astronomical Name: Delta Cancri
Dosha: #Pitta
Guna: #Tamasic
Element: #Water
Bird Name: Sea #Crow
Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Goat
Career: Counseling, Public Administration, Planning and research, Priests or Clergies, Careers related to Geology, Aquatic Biologists, Land or Agricultural merchants, Teachers, and Professors.


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