Do you remember those cute animations about how herd immunity works? Where, if sufficient numbers of a population are vaccinated immunized immune, the virus can infect a few people but will then die out because it can't spread?

Well, we now have pretty much sufficient numbers immunized vaccinated… oh, yeah, that one. You see, in the "old days", getting vaccinated was pretty much equivalent to being immunized. Even today, they are (linguistically) considered synonyms. Only with COVID, they aren't. Given how likely it seems to be (anyone got stats/studies?) for some who survived it or who got the jab to again get it (and how quickly: I know my first COVID patient, and he was fully vaccinated, at around the same time as I, and got it less than six (6) months later)… we seem to be fucked. At this dynamic, we won't ever get herd immunity. And the politicians know it, and probably knew it ages ago. Breakthrough infections are of course officially still rare. Yeah, right.

#pandemic #pandemie #covid #herdimmunity #herdenimmunität #vaccination #redefinitions #redefining #umdefinieren #movingthegoalposts #