Hmm, looks like both sides did not exactly shine here:
WorldPride Taiwan a missed opportunity for Kaohsiung

But it is indeed strange that the LGBTQI+ community would bow to a country that doesn't exactly like them...

Back on Nov. 14, celebrations for Kaohsiung being awarded the prestigious event were somewhat overshadowed by the official announcement from InterPride that the 2025 event would be held in the “region of Taiwan." Hmm, who was demanding such lingo...?

So, perhaps it was not a massive shock when it was announced last week that talks had broken down and the event would no longer be held in Kaohsiung or anywhere in Taiwan.

After that initial climb down, it seems that InterPride was once again maneuvering to have the name "Taiwan" taken off the event, this time to be replaced with the name Kaohsiung. There have also been claims that they were spreading unsubstantiated rumors about the Taiwan event organizer’s ability to finance the event.

The impression that this stance gives is of InterPride becoming the latest global organization to fall in line behind communist China when it comes to engaging with Taiwan. The timing of this development certainly does nothing to assuage that suspicion, and it is important to note that the initial application to host the event, which InterPride chose to accept, was made in the name of Taiwan.

If there is any truth to this, it should only serve to undermine InterPride's credibility with the global LGBTQI+ community. After all, Taiwan is the only country in Asia that permits equal marriage. In China, meanwhile, LGBTQI+ individuals routinely face state-sponsored discrimination and censorship at the hands of the authoritarian regime there.

And while people understand the reasons behind the decision to drop out, this is clearly a scenario in which there are no winners. That is a great shame for InterPride, for Kaohsiung, for Taiwan, and for the LGBTQI+ community around the world.
#Taiwan #LGBTQI

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