My Solar Exploits

Received the third battery ... two more delayed until today (hopefully)...
Tidied things up a bit and shifted positions. The plan is to mount the inverter on the wall just behind where it is now with the batteries below. I still need to find a reasonable rack to mount the batteries. And man these things are heavy, even the Fedex driver thinks so. :) he had a look of misery when I told him two more were coming tomorrow. :)

Once I get the last two batteries in place I'll let it run that way through the month and maybe next month to evaluate operation and impact on power bill etc. Also the capability of the current 6 Solar Panels and how much if any needs to be added. (likely a doubling to 12)

Lots of finishing up work to do....mounting the inverter and doing the best I can to make it legal/inspectable etc.

#solar #power #solarpower