Another #IPCC report out just makes me realise how much I've completely lost faith in society. There really isn't any point even in reading news about it. If it wont change how humans behave, what's the point? We've been given information for years and years and years and still human society has done literally nothing to drive down emissions. Certain media outlets will be shouting about it for longer, some media outlets will make a single news item about it, and then it's back to business. Literally business. As in "how much is our economy growing today", because that must be the most important thing for a human being. Surely we will all die if the economy does not grow.

"But we're building so much clean energy!" you may say. Sure, because we need to grow the economy. We're not building green energy to reduce emissions, we're building green energy so we can consume more. It's called "green growth" and unless your party is far left or far right, they'll likely be selling it to you. Greenwashing on a national level.

I think this is it, the issue that was too big for humanity. We are too many with too many differences, even to the point of actively killing each other in various corners of the world, and massively destructive weapons aimed at each other in all parts of the world. Humanity just can't deal with a crisis so big when all society is telling you to do is spend, buy and consume. Build walls, hate, breed, succeed and tell everyone about.

And ironically, democracy which was supposed to be the smart thing to create equality among society, is one of the things that will destroy it. Democracy is great at ensuring things change slowly over time, as opinions of the voters change over generations. Need fast change? Out of luck, try again next century. Maybe then the population would take an IPCC report seriously, if only we had a society then.

#climatechange #humanity #depression


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