

Конкурс скриншотов: Цель поражена!

Добро пожаловать на 22-й выпуск нашего конкурса скриншотов War Thunder в Steam!

Спасибо за скриншоты, которые вы прислали на прошлой неделе! Видим, что многие из вас летают на F-14 из свежего обновления! Ваши работы были отличными, молодцы! Авторы трёх самых популярных и трёх выбранных нами работ получат по 300 ЗО. Список победителей ищите внизу.

Начинаем 22-й выпуск нашего конкурса!

Сделайте скриншот и отправьте его нам в сообществе Steam со специальным тэгом #WTscreen22. Присылайте свои работы до 8 июля 2022 года.

Шестеро победителей получат по 300 Золотых орлов: трое получивших самые высокие оценки сообщества и ещё трое, которых выберут наши судьи.

Тема 22-го выпуска состязания: Цель поражена!

Подробные условия:

  • Только что вынесли врага эпическим попаданием? «Цель поражена»! Сделайте скриншот, где ваша техника и сгоревшая, уничтоженная или серьёзно повреждённая вами техника врага будут видны на одной картинке.

  • Скриншоты должны соответствовать правилам игры War Thunder.

  • Вы должны быть автором скриншота.

  • Скриншот должен быть новым. Вы не можете использовать те, что уже были опубликованы ранее и/или использовались в других конкурсах.

  • Мы принимаем только необработанные скриншоты из игры, снятые встроенными в игровой клиент средствами. Вы не можете использовать никакие программы для редактирования или другие визуальные улучшения (например, фильтры Nvidia Ansel).

  • Вы можете использовать фильтры и настройки, встроенные в War Thunder.

  • Вы можете использовать функцию повтора, встроенную в War Thunder.

  • Победители получат свои призы в течение семи рабочих дней после подведения результатов конкурса.

А сейчас время узнать победителей нашего 21-го конкурса, который мы назвали «Danger Zone»!

Победители, выбранные путем голосования сообщества:




Победители, выбранные нашими судьями:




Каждый победитель получит по 300 ЗО! Поздравляем и до встречи на следующей неделе!

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We've put up a troubleshooting guide.

Please consult this guide if you are experiencing any issues with the demo or the full game.

Please ensure you've followed the steps below to rule out problems with your PC, Steam, or the game’s files.

1. Check the game’s system requirements

2. Add the game’s folder and files to your anti-virus program’s exception / exclusion list

3. Give administrator privileges to Steam and the game

4. Update your Video/Graphics Drivers and Windows Operating System

5. Check your graphics driver settings & computer power settings

6. Update DirectX

7. Update your Windows Media Player codecs

8. Verify the game’s cache in Steam

Click the URL below for more information on the required steps (English only):


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Community Update

Happy Friday, Hunters!

Before we head into the weekend, we’d like to extend a massive thank you for all the praise and feedback you’ve shared with us on Revontuli Coast. We’re reading everything and are actively investigating reported bugs, so please continue sharing them with us here, via theHunter Support Portal.

In case you missed it:

The developer diary train keeps going! Most recently, Senior Game Designer Arshak Ardeshir shared the team’s vision behind the new Layout Float Blind. Read it here.

Next week:

Want to learn more about the new Black Bear Great One? Keep an eye out for a fresh developer diary next week as we’ll be packing it with all kinds of concept art and in-development goodies. If you’ve already caught one in the wild, let us know your first impressions!

Join #theHunterCOTW Community:

  • Engage with us and the wider community on Discord

  • Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more content!

  • Report any bugs or issues here


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Страницы истории: июль

В течение всего месяца вам поочерёдно будут доступны 8 задач. Выполнение каждой задачи принесёт трофей с наградой, а выполнение всех — уникальную иконку игрока.

Подробное описание актуальной в этот день задачи и ваш общий прогресс можно посмотреть, кликнув на «Никнейм → Достижения → Страницы Истории»

Чарльз Апхэм

Простой новозеландский фермер, проявивший такой героизм в боях с силами «Оси» на Крите и в Египте, что его наградили аж двумя Крестами Виктории — высшими военными наградами Великобритании. Апхэм без страха бросался на вражеские укрепления, зачищал пулемётные гнёзда гранатами и, даже будучи раненым, продолжал вести свой отряд в бой. За это он и стал самым высоко награждённым солдатом Британского Содружества за всю его историю.

Иконку игрока можно приобрести сразу за Золотые орлы до 14:30 МСК 3 августа, даже не выполняя заданий, через меню «Никнейм → Достижения → Страницы Истории».

Трофей с наградой за каждую задачу

Выполнение каждого отдельного задания принесёт вам трофей с одним из указанных призов:

  • 20-50% усилитель ОИ на 3-10 боёв;
  • 20-50% усилитель СЛ на 3-10 боёв;
  • 3-5 универсальных дублёра;
  • 1 день Премиум-аккаунта;
  • случайный камуфляж для наземной техники из числа доступных для получения в игре через достижения или для покупки за Золотые орлы.

Другие условия

  • Задачи становятся доступны в 14:00 МСК в день старта задания и заканчиваются в 14:30 МСК последнего дня задания..
  • Задачи выполняются в многопользовательских боях во всех игровых режимах, за исключением «Штурм».

1 июля — 4 июля

Первая битва при Эль-Аламейне

На протяжении всего июля 1942 года под палящим солнцем Африки шла битва войск «Оси» и британских подданных со всего земного шара. Стороны пытались выбить друг друга с позиций, решаясь на рискованные атаки и неся существенные потери, но по итогу остались в патовой ситуации. Впрочем, Союзникам удалось остановить наступление фельдмаршала Роммеля на Александрию.

5 июля — 8 июля

Шяуляйская операция

Шяуляй — четвёртый по размеру город Литвы, и именно в его честь была названа операция по изгнанию сил Германии из Прибалтики, прошедшая в июле 1944 года. По итогам операции, занявший целый месяц, Красная армия вышла к Балтийскому морю, освободила большую часть территории Латвии и Литвы и разделила силы Вермахта, отрезав группу армий «Север» от группы «Центр».

9 июля — 12 июля

Сицилийская операция

В ночь с 9 на 10 июля 1943 года началась крупномасштабная десантная операция, заложившая почву для последовавшей через год высадки в Нормандии. Войска Союзников высадились в Сицилии и после продолжительных боёв взяли в плен более ста тысяч итальянских солдат. Успех этой операции привёл к смене власти в Риме: Бенито Муссолини был отстранён от власти, и новое итальянское правительство подписало с Союзниками перемирие.

12 июля — 15 июля

Сражение под Прохоровкой

12 июля 1943 года под станцией Прохоровка в Белгородской области произошло одно из крупнейших танковых сражений в истории. Немецкие войска хотели прорвать советскую оборону и захватить Прохоровку, а Красная армия планировала окружить группировку противника. Обе стороны понесли существенные потери и не добились поставленных целей. Тем не менее, продвижение сил вермахта было остановлено.

16 июля — 19 июля

Операция «Гудвуд»

Операция «Гудвуд» была частью продолжавшейся два месяца битвы за стратегически важный город Кан в Нормандии. Британцы хотели захватить его ещё в «День Д», но немецкие силы продолжали удерживать город и спустя полтора месяца после высадки Союзников в Нормандии. Поэтому операция «Гудвуд» началась с масштабной бомбардировки, а затем артобстрела немецких позиций. Однако из-за плохой координации британские танки передвигались медленно и без должного прикрытия, из-за чего понесли тяжёлые потери и не смогли захватить город.

20 июля — 23 июля

Гуамская операция (1944)

21 июля 1944-го началась операция по освобождению Гуама, крупнейшего из Марианских островов, от японских захватчиков. Несмотря на отчаянное сопротивление отказывающихся сдаваться японцев и непрекращающиеся ливни, через три недели американцы захватили остров и сделали из него плацдарм для дальнейших операций в западной части Тихого океана — наступления на Филиппины и Тайвань, а также воздушных атак на территорию самой Японии.

24 июля — 27 июля

Операция «Мерсад»

Финальный аккорд ирано-иракской войны. Организация моджахедов иранского народа (ОМИН) при поддержке иракской армии двинулась в Иранский Курдистан. Однако иракцы остановились на полпути, и без их воздушной поддержки наземные силы ОМИН оказались бессильны перед иранскими ВВС. После атаки с воздуха оставшиеся войска ОМИН были окружены и уничтожены иранской армией.

28 июля — 31 июля

Первая Ржевско-Сычёвская операция

Летом 1942 года советская армия, остановившая группу армий вермахта «Центр» под Ржевом, попыталась перейти в контрнаступление. Ожесточённые битвы шли буквально за каждый клочок земли: Красная армия потеряла в «ржевской мясорубке» сотни тысяч бойцов, практически ничего не добившись. Немецкие силы вышли из-под Ржева лишь в 43-м, после поражения «Оси» на других фронтах.

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Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXI Set for Friday, July 1

In the upcoming Letter from the Producer LIVE, we’ll be covering information on what’s to come in Patch 6.2!

*Date & Time *

Friday, July 1, 2022 at 4:00 a.m. (PDT) / 11:00 (GMT) / 12:00 (BST) / 21:00 (AEST)

_*Starting time subject to change.

*Co-streaming is allowed. _

Where to Watch

*Please note that the presentation slides will include both Japanese and English text, but the presentation audio will be in Japanese only.

Show Details

  • Patch 6.2 Part 1

  • Miscellaneous Updates

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Weekend Stash Tab Sale and Divine Lightning Arrow Effect

This weekend we are running a Stash Tab Sale! You can view the full selection of discounted tabs by pressing 'M' in-game to access the store. The Stash Tab sale ends on July 4th, 6:00PM PDT.

If you're missing points for the sale, be sure to check out our supporter packs!

Strike down your foes with holy bolts from the heavens with the new Divine Lightning Arrow Effect! Check it out in the video below, or get yours in the 'New Items' category by pressing 'M' in-game to access the store.

The Divine Lightning Arrow Effect goes great with other Divine and Holy themed effects. Check it out in the screenshot below, paired with the Celestial Emperor Wings, Divine Stygian Armour Set, Divine Skull Helmet and Harmonious Weapon Skin!

Thanks for your support!

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День Канады

1 июля 1867 года был принят Акт о Британской Северной Америке, который объединил три колонии в федерацию, получившую название Канада, и лёг в основу будущей конституции страны. Этот день стал национальным праздником в Канаде и отмечается как в ней, так и за её пределами. В том числе и в War Thunder!

С 30 июня (15:00 МСК) по 4 июля (12:00 МСК) проведите 3 боя на технике США или Великобритании (от 3 ранга и 70% активности) и получите декаль «День Канады».

Задания выполняются в случайных боях, кроме режима «Противостояние» и миссий [Штурм]. Отслеживать прогресс выполнения можно, кликнув на ваш никнейм и выбрав Достижения → День Канады.

Декаль находится в разделе внешнего вида техники «Праздничные даты».

#lang_ru #игровыеновости #стим #игры


День сил самообороны Японии

После поражения во Второй мировой войне Япония закрепила в своей конституции отказ от войны. Но вскоре руководители страны сообразили, что это не значит отказ от права на самооборону, и основанную 1 июля 1954 года новую армию официально назвали Силами самообороны Японии.

С 30 июня (13:00 МСК) по 4 июля (12:00 МСК) проведите 3 боя на технике Японии (от 3 ранга и 70% активности) и получите декаль «День сил самообороны Японии».

Декаль «День сил самообороны Японии» decal

Задания выполняются в случайных боях, кроме режима «Противостояние» и миссий [Штурм]. Отслеживать прогресс выполнения можно, кликнув на ваш никнейм и выбрав Достижения → День сил самообороны Японии.

Декаль находится в разделе внешнего вида техники «Праздничные даты».

#lang_ru #игровыеновости #стим #игры


Jurassic World Evolution 2 - Update 1.4.4 Patch Notes

Hello Park Managers!

Update 1.4.4 is now available for all versions of Jurassic World Evolution 2. Please see the full list of changes and updates below:

Base Game


  • Additional fix for dinosaurs and species being stuck after landscape painting and fence placement edits
  • Fix for dinosaurs standing still for a few minutes trying to perform a dominance fight a long distance away
  • Fix for dinosaurs navigating through a fence after failing to attack a vehicle
  • Stop wrangled dinosaurs from causing issues to the game economy unless they actually hit a guest.


  • Power hubs now show running cost in their Info Panel
  • Emergency shelters now show their coverage tooltip in the hover Tooltip
  • Don't declare wrangled dinosaurs as threats when we detect that they can access guests
  • Fixed an issue where the help screens would still adjust layout to fit in subtitles, even if subtitles are disabled
  • Fixed an issue where the building upgrade button could have its label overlapped by the button prompt
  • Fix for Biosyn Sandbox Mode build tab being visible when you don't have the DLC installed
  • Fixed a softlock when double-tapping multiple buttons in the Staff Hiring screen
  • Improvements to performance while a dinosaur is pinned with the landscape panel open
  • Fix for an issue in which the options menu would appear misaligned and lose most functionality while scrolling by dragging the scrollbar
  • Guided tour tracks now appear in the map view
  • Allow players to back out of selecting dinosaur placement mode whilst using dinosaur transport multi-selection tool

Buildings and Vehicles

  • Player controlled vehicle wheels should no longer clip into buildings
  • Fixed large Dinosaurs blocking their own hatchery exit for 60 seconds
  • Fixed an issue where drones would get stuck when attempting to exit an aviary hatchery
  • Fix for game blocker where if player had 1 aviary and 1 PMF and were unable to place a flying reptile in either location
  • Fixed guided tours leaving the building at a slow rate
  • Fixed guests not sitting in the right place in lagoon audience stands
  • Fixed vehicles shaking when driving
  • Allow player driven guided tour vehicles to go through aviary tour gates
  • Fixed vehicle wheels from clipping the ground

Sandbox Mode

  • Fixed an issue where you could select cosmetic variants of a building that is locked by research in sandbox mode
  • Added Small and Medium Modern fences to the Jurassic Park building set for Sandbox mode
  • Fixed Park Tour track placement not appearing in Park Tour UI in Sandbox Mode

Jurassic World Database

  • Added Invisible Tour Gate and DFW Tour Gate to the Sandbox tech tree to make the database entry unlockable


  • Fixed an issue where the Capture Team would stay at the Response Facility during the Allosaurus cutscene in Campaign 2 if assigned to a ranger post


  • Fixed decoration objects having no rotation audio after being placed
  • DFW Guided tour VO no longer refers to Jurassic World
  • Fixed some reverb on some VO lines

Other Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the camera would be in the wrong location after loading a save file
  • Adjusted English translations so they work with both singular and plural
  • Updated translations for mismatched subtitles in all languages
  • Various localisation fixes in all languages
  • Various stability and crash fixes

Dominion Biosyn Expansion


  • Reduced ragdoll shaking on the Quetzalcoatlus


  • Fix hovering paths allowing you to delete charred ruins

Sandbox Mode

  • Added Biosyn Valley specific biome tree set for Sandbox Mode
  • Added decoration variants of the Rustler Defences for Sandbox mode
  • Added Aviary perch points to the Biosyn Era set
  • Fixed an issue where the decoration menu could be empty if filtering by 'Biosyn' in a different menu


  • Fixed fossils showing in amber mine extractions
  • Updated Scorched Earth help screen
  • Added a recharging icon over rebooting flashbang rustler defences
  • Filled empty text box with the name of the cleared charred ruins when inspecting scientists in the control centre.
  • Fixed missing UI image for Quetzalcoatlus fossils
  • Fixed invisible gate being remembered as a fence selection

Jurassic World Database

  • Dominion Biosyn Expansion new species are now automatically unlocked in the JWDB

Buildings and Vehicles

  • Reduced instances of Rustler vehicles clipping through each other
  • Removed flicker on the Biosyn MVU
  • Fixed Invisible Gate not animating consistently

Jurassic World Dominion Chaos Theory

  • Fixed an issue where loading an autosave will prevent Rustlers attacking your park, blocking progress.
  • Added roundworm dart to the tech tree
  • Removed redundant unlock requirement for Lagoon & Aviary at the end of the level
  • Fixed Rustler vehicles being forced through a fence when rammed by Ranger teams
  • Players will now be taken to the correct research node when selecting 'Go To Research' from the Rustler Defences menu


  • Fixed placement audio on Rustler Defences

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Patch 0.5.42405 | Patch Notes | Hotfix 7

Patch 0.5.42405 | Patch Notes - Hotfix 7

We will be patching V Rising today between 10:00 and 11:00 CEST (08:00 and 09:00 UTC).

If you encounter any issues with the patch, please report them here and use the patch number in the title so that we can identify them easily: https://bugs.playvrising.com

The following improvements will be added to V Rising with this patch:


  • We added Steam Cloud support for Private Game saves. This allows playing your saves on different computers.

  • All new Private Games hosted will now be saved on Steam Cloud by default.

  • You can move saves to/from Steam Cloud Saving.

  • You can now delete Saves and Server History entries in the Continue Game menu.

  • An option for limiting FPS separately in-game and in menus have been added to the Graphics Options. Please note that the option to limit FPS settings will not have an effect if V Sync is ON in the Graphics Options.


  • Fixed an exploit where users could bypass RichText protection in the chat.

  • Fixed some characters not being displayed correctly in Polish and Turkish.

  • Fixing issue where some players could not use the servant mission system due to missions not showing up on the map.

  • Fixing client crash if the fallen angel is killed while transformed to a pig by Matka hex spell.


  • Gear Score will no longer be shown for online Vampires in the Steam Server List.

  • Language support for Arabic has been added again.

  • _Known issues with Arabic:


  • -Input fields do not correctly parse Arabic right-to-left writing.

  • -Layout issues in various places.


  • Build menu optimizations. [/list]

#lang_ru #игровыеновости #стим #игры


СМИ: Skull & Bones находится в печальном состоянии, но Ubisoft любой ценой выпустит игру в 2022 году

Многострадальная игра про пиратов Skull & Bones, анонсированная пять лет назад, точно будет выпущена до конца 2022 года, поскольку Ubisoft взяла на себя такое обязательство перед правительством Сингапура, где базируется основной костяк разработчиков. Информацией поделился старший редактор Kotaku Итан Гач.

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Loss of the right to play Sunbreak when buying DLC during gameplay

We have confirmed the following issue in Ver.


1. If you buy DLC on the Steam Store during gameplay in Ver., a message will appear that states "Returning to the Title Screen, because there has been a change in your ownership of add-on content. Do you wish to save?" taking you back to the title screen.

*It may be difficult to select Yes or No when this happens.

2. You may temporarily lose your right to play Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, even if you've already purchased it.

(You may temporarily not be able to use your previous save data containing the added elements that require the right to play Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.)

What to do if you run into this issue:

The issue can be solved by rebooting the game.

How to avoid this issue:

We apologize for the inconvenience, but please make sure that you are not playing the game when purchasing DLC on the Steam Store.

We are currently working on a fix to address this issue.

As soon as we've made progress, we will send out another notice, so please wait for further information.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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New in Paladins - RWBY Update

Ruby Rose and her team of huntresses join the world of Paladins in its newest Crossover Pass – RWBY! Instantly unlock the Ruby Rose Vora skin for purchasing, and unlock a total of 30 levels of rewards as you play!

Players can also purchase a Buy All option to get all content in the RWBY Crossover Pass instantly!

Join Team RWBY with the RWBY x Paladins Crossover Pass! Instantly unlock the Ruby Vora skin for purchasing, and unlock tons of other rewards as you progress!

Players can also purchase a Buy All option to get all content in the RWBY Crossover Pass instantly!

To read the full Update Notes and see the content of the RWBY Crossover Pass click here!

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Developer Diary | Ethiopia #1

MAJOR DISCLAIMER - This dev diary is written before the majority of art has been delivered, so it features a lot of placeholder graphics - you have to imagine really cool focus icons, and a lot of characters with hats that are beyond fabulous, for example

But we have some cool art coming!

Work in progress image of Ethiopian Irregular Infantry

So, I was asked to write a dev diary about the development of a focus tree and related stuff for Ethiopia. Mainly because I was the one asked to do Ethiopia in the first place*, I guess. It would probably have felt weird to do a dev diary on something else then…

Anyway, Ethiopia. I wanted to make playing Ethiopia a somewhat different experience than the average game of HoI. It has to be, right? For one, Ethiopia starts at war, which puts some constraints on the design. Also, it is a war that they historically lost. After the initial invasion in October 35 they more or less managed to push the Italians back to their starting positions in what became known as the christmas offensive, but by the time we are entering the scene the Italians were preparing to once again go on the offensive. And historically this time Ethiopia didn’t stand a chance. However, in 1942 Ethiopian units such as the Gideon force and the Arbegnoch were fighting alongside the Allies to retake their country. So the design had to feature that as well.

But enough of that - lets take a look at Ethiopia and what we did with it for the DLC:

The Themes

The theme of the design for Ethiopia was actually twofold. Firstly it is about survival. As mentioned, you start under attack from Italy. Outgunned and outmanned. So initially you will mainly focus on finding a way to survive. There will be a few different options there, some that will be discussed today, and some that will be discussed later. Secondly, it is about modernization. Ethiopia was not industrialized at all, and the army was in many ways still partly feudal; and as such you will need to work hard to improve the country and the armed forces if you are to compete with the rest of the industrialized world.

Country set up

Now then, let’s take a look at how Ethiopia looks in-game in 1936:

First you might have noticed, that Haile Selassie has himself a new trait - with one of the cooler names so far in HoI history​

And the country also starts with a set of national spirits (compared to before where it was severely lacking on that front):

Not all of which are entirely positive however….​

The map

One of the first things you will see is that what used to be a single state called Ethiopia is now split up into a bunch of new ones. Some of the extremely large provinces have been split into smaller ones as well, to allow for a more interesting gameplay and more realistic combat and supply-lines. While doing that I also added a few victory points to make the map look a bit more interesting, and to give the players something more concrete to fight over. Finding the right level when doing this is always a bit of a balancing act between gameplay, consistency with other things, and what you would ideally want. Sacrifices were made, but this is what we ended up with:

Additionally, the Ogaden desert is now classed as - well, yes - desert:

Starting at War

As mentioned above, Ethiopia starts at war with Italy. To simplify things a little bit when you start up the game, all units start within their own borders, just like before. It is not too far from the truth as the Christmas offensive of 35 had basically pushed the Italian army back all the way, so I feel it works (even though technically some parts of Tigray and some areas in the south were occupied by Italy at this point in time).​

The thing is, Haile Selassie really hoped the International Community would do something to stop Italy. After all, both nations were part of the League of Nations. We decided against doing a full scale League of Nations feature, so instead it is tied to the Ethiopian focus tree, and a small mechanic that affects both Italy and Ethiopia. (After all the LoN was mainly active before 36, so it makes sense I think)

There were numerous reasons why the League didn’t act against Italy, who in turn tried to play down their invasion as something of a border dispute in one of their colonies. But the longer Ethiopia holds out and the more Italy commits to the war, the harder it will be for Mussolini to downplay the conflict and for the LoN to turn a blind eye.

So to simulate this we have a ticking “War Escalation” that affects both sides in the war.

The higher it ticks, the more focuses you unlock for Ethiopia - should you decide to go to the League to plead your case - and additionally both sides will get events that affect their ability to continue the war.

We’ll get back to that stuff further down the line…

Modernizing the Industry

Before we look at the war and foreign politics part of the tree, we will need to look at the prospect of modernization​

The entire industrial tree for Ethiopia.

In 1936, Ethiopia starts without any major industrial capacity. It has 2 military factories, and 2 civilian ones, one of which goes to consumer goods, and one is needed to fulfill trade requirements in order to produce the weapons needed for the war. Some more factories can be acquired through the focus tree, but many focuses are also about different bonuses and removing debuffs etc.​

All Ethiopian states also start with this modifier, which is -30% in all states except for the capital shown here. “Develop the Capital Region” as well as other focuses in the right-most part will unlock decisions to eventually remove this modifier.

Ethiopia doesn’t start with a plethora of designers and companies like other countries, but will instead have options to invite off-shoots of companies from other nations through the “Invite Foreign Industrialists” focus.

Also I cannot stress enough how good the 2D art is looking.​

The designers and industrial concerns native to Ethiopia or unlocked through ways other than the “Invite Foreign Industrialists” focus.

What about the army?

The Ethiopian army has been revamped a bit in BBA. It is larger than in vanilla, and it now consists of two main parts, the regular Mehal Sefari and the irregular forces raised and paid for by the various lords and regions of Ethiopia. The irregulars are fast to raise, have some bonuses in certain types of terrain, but are generally weaker than regular units. You have a limited amount of them as well.

The fact that Ethiopia has a different system for raising units than other countries is represented by a recruitment law unique to the country. In peacetime it allows for a rather small recruitable population, but in wartime it is increased automatically, but incur penalties to production etc.

Playing Ethiopia, you will be given the choice to expand on the irregular system, or instead move towards the more “regular” system employed by other HoI countries.​

The focuses in this branch will let you specialize your army to some extent, and also helps a little bit if/when you decide that an airforce and/or navy could be good things to have.

Here you can see the military branch in all its glory:​

Balance of Power

Ethiopia will start with an active balance of power, similarly to how Switzerland and Italy have one, which is a connecting thread between the nations in By Blood Alone. Ethiopia’s BoP will focus on the power of the Mekwanint on one side (the centrally appointed officials) and the Mesafint on the other (the hereditary nobility of Ethiopia). Pushing towards one side or another will bring different benefits as well as penalties, as well as both having potentially catastrophic effects if one side gets absolute power over the other, but more on the details of the BoP system for Ethiopia in its next dev diary!

The Second Italo-Ethiopian War Branch

As Italy and Ethiopia start at war, Ethiopia gets a number of (mostly 35 day) focuses to help them customize how they want to run the war. These are all blocked once the war is over one way or the other.​

Should I go or should I stay?

The first decision you will need to take when playing as Haile Selassie's Ethiopia is if you want him to stay in Africa and attempt to beat the Italians back the hard way (that is, without any foreign aid, which will be required for certain cult of personality-esque focuses later down in the tree) or if you want to get on the train and go to Switzerland to address the League of Nations and utilize the different focuses tied to them, which all get unlocked through different levels of war escalation.​

If you decide to go for the historical option, and have Haile Selassie leave the country you get access to this subset of the tree:​

The section serves the dual purpose of giving you access to focuses that can help you, if you get the war escalation up high enough, and allowing you to continue the fight in exile, should Ethiopia capitulate while the Emperor is away. The focus chain that starts with Addressing the League of Nations culminates in the “International Mediation” focus which sees the LoN pressure Italy for a white peace. (Doing this will not be able to gain you any immediate territory from them, so you will have to get to that later in the post war tree)

Additionally, the International Brigades focus is very useful, as well as fun and flavorful, as it allows you to send events to LoN members asking for volunteers, making it to where about 4-8 random minors send you a division each, becoming very colorful very quickly.​

Going into exile and Coming back

After having done the focus “Boarding the Train” and having found a host nation to flee to, Haile Selassie will go there to continue the fight if and when Ethiopia capitulates to Italy, just like he did historically. Due to the LoN resolution however, he cannot ask his host to join the conflict before completing the focus “Reclaiming Ethiopia” at the end of the exile branch, and they also cannot ask him to let them join the war.

Many of the exile focuses unlock various decisions to do, in order to make a playthrough at least somewhat interesting to a player. Some focuses such as “The Patriots” and “Anti-Italian Propaganda” also unlock new unique continuous focuses for Ethiopia to do, such as increasing resistance growth and lowering compliance gain in areas occupied by Italy. This is because the only way for Italy to get rid of you once you have gone into exile is for them to get enough compliance in your states to take a decision that gives them ownership of it, eventually creating the Africa Orientale Italiana to completely erase you if you do not oppose them enough.

And as you can see, hiring the Abuna (leader of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church), Qerellos IV will grant you some bonuses which are going to prove very useful when in exile.​

Different host-nations also means different extra focuses (all require a certain level of legitimacy to do).​

As you can see in these images, your focuses and campaign will be quite different depending on what nation you send Haile Selassie off into exile to. (Be aware that you will have to ask the country for permission first, which will be very hard if they do not have good relations with you)

Also, can you guess what nations these might be? (Yes, they are very obvious, aren’t they?)

Staying to fight

Now you might be wondering, what happens if I choose to refuse outside help? Well first of all, it is much harder to win. Below you can see the entire pre-peace branch for choosing to stay:​

When getting peace with Italy through this branch however, you can in fact gain territory from them, as long as you control it when you complete the focus “Fait Accompli”. What makes this branch harder is not only the lack of support from the West, but also the fact that you need to at a bare minimum control all of your core provinces to do the focus that grants you peace with Italy. The focuses here do however give some nice bonuses both to Haile Selassie as a Field Marshal, but also to the troops and generals of Ethiopia.

Here is the full “war with Italy” part of the Haile Selassie focus tree.​

But once the war is done, what’s next?

As you can see here, there are two sub-branches to choose from following the end of the Italo-Ethiopian war ; “The King of Kings” sub-branch and the “Rebuilding the Country” sub-branch. The latter one is accessible through any of the war with Italy branches. The King of Kings branch is however only available to you if you managed to win the war without foreign help, cementing Haile Selassie as the true ruler of Ethiopia. Here you can upgrade his ruler trait, and get decisions to restore the long-gone Empire of Axum, gaining cores and wargoals on many of the kingdom’s historical claims.

You can then also choose between a couple of different end-game options, such as taking advantage of the Rastafari movement, and requesting overlordship of Jamaica from the British to expand your influence in the Americas, or embrace the Solomonic dynasty’s legacy and attempt to reclaim king Solomon’s lands from it’s occupiers, eventually coring it and moving your capital there. However, to do either of those you must have defeated the Italians without going into exile, and built the cult around the Emperor. If you didn’t, you still have two choices open to you, which both focus on Africa.​

Some more stuff

Actually, take a look at these new advisors Ethiopia has before you leave, because they have quite a few:​

And this guy:

Military Personnel:

And some Swedes and an American:

But those aren’t all the advisors, as some of the ones available to the alt-hist branches are not shown here, but they can be a fun surprise for the next Ethiopia dev-diary.

That was all for this time, as I didn’t want to make this dev diary as long as the Italian one, but in a couple of weeks Ethiopia will return to showcase its BoP in more detail, as well as its a-historical paths.

  • Tbh - asked is a bit of an oversimplification. It was decided that Ethiopia would feature in this expansion - I was (figuratively) jumping up and down saying equivalents of pretty please… So in the end arheo et.al. caved in and gave it to me

Join the disacussion!

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It’s fixed! №54

In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game.


Please feel free to leave your feedback on these changes in the dedicated "It’s fixed! №54" thread


Changing activation time for missiles with an infrared seeker

Since weapons with infrared seekers appeared in the game, their activation time was conventionality designed to better balance these weapons. Due to the appearance of more modern vehicles, weaponry and countermeasures, we’ve decided to revisit this aspect and make it more realistic.

If we recall the real prototypes, there are missiles like MANPADS 9M39 “Igla”, whose operation time in the ready to launch mode is severely limited by the amount of coolant. Yet the majority of prototypes of the air-to-air IR seeker missiles that appear in War Thunder can remain in the ready to launch mode for extended periods, up to several hours. These missiles’ activation time in the game will be changed to 1 second, and their operation time in capture mode will be set to 20 seconds. The missiles whose operation time in the ready to launch mode is severely limited by the amount of coolant will retain the previous activation time and operation time in the ready to launch mode.

The list of missiles that had their activation time revised:: Matra R530E, Matra R550 Magic, Matra R550 Magic 2, AIM-9B, AIM-9 FGW.2, AIM-9D, AIM-9E, AIM-9G, AIM-9J, AIM-9P, AIM-9H, AIM-9L, RB24, RB24J, RB74, Р-3С, Р-13М1, Р-60, Р-60М, Р-23Т, Р-24Т, PL-2, PL-5B, SRAAM, Firestreak, Redtop, Shafrir 1, Shafrir 2.

Revising the maximum overload of the vehicles during missile launch

Initially when we introduced air-to-air missiles, we added limits to the overload of the aircraft at the moment of launch that were stated in the missiles’ documentation. Over time, however, we have received additional information that allows us to infer that the overload limits are in most cases recommendations provided to ensure the required probability of the target being hit. Here you can find the information from “AIM-9B Guided Missile. Description and Operation” stating the reason why the launch is not recommended, but also not forbidden, in case of overload over 2g.

For later missiles the overload is often limited by the aircraft’s maneuvering capabilities. Here’s an example for F-14 from “F-14 Tomcat Pilot`s Flight Operating Manual”.

Having analysed the available sources, we’ve decided to remove the strict limit on the overload of the aircraft during the launch of air-to-air missiles, since these limits are merely recommended and in the game serve to restrict the options of using missiles in specific close combat cases.

More information on the Reload Speed skill

As you know, the Reload Speed skill of the logistical services reduced the time needed to reload the aircraft’s weapons in mid-air or on the ground. This time differs between machine guns, cannons, missiles, and bombs, but in the crew card for the selected vehicle changes in reload speed for AAM, additional cannons and precision guided munitions weren’t reflected.

Well, now they are. You can check how the Reload Speed skill affects different suspended and additional weapons.

Fixing sounds in game

We’ve completed a complex reworking of the sounds, based in part on your feedback. The explosions will sound lower now, and their echo will be weaker. When parts of your aircraft, such as landing gear or wings, break off, a new sound effect will play that won’t resemble an explosion as much.

We’ve fixed the Doppler effect: now it will be more pronounced for fast flying objects like planes, missiles, or ATGMs.

And we’ve also corrected a few smaller errors. Launch War Thunder to check out the results of our work!

Displaying additional weapons of Naval Vessels

In the Danger Zone update the icons showing availability of bombs, torpedoes and missiles have been added to the naval battles; they can be found in the statistics window near the player’s nickname and the name of their vessel.

In today’s update we’ve added an icon for mines and updated the icon for depth charges. Now you can know in advance what the enemy is armed with and make timely decisions that will help you achieve victory.

More improvements

For this digest we have prepared a large set of useful fixes and game improvements. Be sure to read the full list below - there are many interesting things.

Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted using our special service.


Ground vehicles

  • Fixed a bug where in a test drive in Soviet vehicles whilst destroying a SPAA Sd.Kfz. 6/2 crew could be lost (report).

  • Fixed a bug that caused the secondary gun's shell type to not switch to the "Next Shell Type" via the control if only one shell type was selected for the primary gun (report).

  • Fixed a bug that allowed the commander's sight to be activated while the tank was underwater if it was assigned to a separate key (report).

  • Cromwell V (RP-3) — fixed missing RP-3 rocket detonation when hitting crew members.

  • T-72M2 Moderna — fixed bug with dynamic security protection elements hovering in the air, shown when main blocks of dynamic protection in the front of turret are damaged (reporter).

  • Type-10 — fixed bug with rubber fabric shields hanging in the air, shown when steel side shields are damaged.


  • Added information about the maximum possible speed in dropping bombs to the card of aerial bombs.

  • Added information about the type of warhead to the card of aircraft missiles.

  • The activation time and the operating time of the IR of some air-to-air missiles with infrared IR have been reduced to 1s. and 20s. accordingly. List of missiles: Matra R530E, Matra R550 Magic, Matra R550 Magic 2, AIM-9B, AIM-9 FGW.2, AIM-9D, AIM-9E, AIM-9G, AIM-9J, AIM-9P, AIM-9H, AIM-9L, RB24, RB24J, RB74, Р-3С, Р-13М1, Р-60, Р-60М, Р-23Т, Р-24Т, PL-2, PL-5B, SRAAM, Firestreak, Redtop, Shafrir 1, Shafrir 2.

  • Removed restriction on maximum launch vehicle overload at air-to-air missile launch.

  • AIM-9D — removed the IR disarming before missile launch.

  • X-25, X-25ML, X-29L, S-25L, AS-30L - added targeting of IR from aircraft aiming system and de-targeting of IR prior to missile launch.

  • Milan — fixed bug with limitation of maximum launch speed of the AIM-9B.

  • Fixed assault fuze not working correctly, in which a dropped bomb exploded even if less than a second passed from the moment of drop (report).

  • AH-1G (Israel) — fixed a bug which caused the aiming marker to drift down after firing half of the unguided rockets mounted on an outboard weapon in slots 6 or 8 (report 1, report 2).

  • F-4J — fixed a bug that caused IRCM to incorrectly fire forward of an aircraft (report).

  • A-4N — fixed a bug that caused the AIM-9D + 5 x 1000-lb suspended armament kit to use the wrong pylon for AIM-9D missiles.

  • Su-22UM3K — fixed a bug that caused the pylon to be displayed on the other side when X-25ML, X-29L and C-24B missiles were suspended on the under-fuselage right attachment point (report).

  • F-105D — corrected number of icons in suspended armament menu for BLU-27.

  • F-14A early — corrected takeoff performance and reduced takeoff speed, added ability to fold wings on parking.


  • RN Comandanti medaglie d'Oro — corrected operation and display of bombs mounted on aboard. Corrected ammunition amount displayed in auxiliary calibre cellar.

  • Pr.50, SKR Yenot, Karl Marx — corrected type of depth bombs and firing ranges.

  • Composition and weight of explosives in 12.7 mm Breda-SAFAT ammunition was changed from 1.1 g TNT to 0.6 g PETN.

  • Italian 305mm AP shell explosion delay increased from 0.01s. up to 0.035s.

Game mechanics

  • Fixed a bug that caused no penalty for destroying allied vehicles in modes with the system of rewards for useful actions.


  • Fixed a bug where in the crew window the tooltip of the "Reload Speed" skill for weapons didn’t completely match the weapons available on the selected aircraft.

  • In naval battles in the statistics window in battle or replay, additional armament icons of ships (if any) has been improved:

    • aircraft bomb icon changed to depth charge icon;
    • added mine icon.


  • The exit outside the game zone at the location "Stalingrad - tank battle" has been closed.


  • Fixed missing shadows in the hangar on the minimum graphics preset when using an integrated or weak video card, such as HD Graphics 630 or GeForce GT 1030.


  • Explosion sounds have been adjusted in accordance with player feedback: low frequencies have been added, echo has been partially removed.

  • The balance of the sound elements of the player's ground vehicles has been slightly adjusted: engines, tracks, surfaces under vehicles.

  • New mechanical sounds for failing aircraft parts have been created. They replace the old ones and are more like explosions. They can be heard, for example, when detaching unretracted landing gear or wings at high speed.

  • The calculation of the Doppler effect has been fixed, now it is more pronounced for objects moving quickly relative to the player - aircraft, helicopters, missiles and ATGM systems.

  • An error has been fixed that the sound of tracks rubbing against the ground under the vehicle would continue if the track was damaged or if there was a sudden stop.

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

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Депутат Госдумы призвал к импортозамещению Unreal Engine

Заместитель председателя комитета Государственной Думы по информационной политики Антон Горелкин призвал к импортозамещению графических движков Unreal Engine и Unity. Об этом он написал в Telegram.

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The Biggest Content Update Yet Is Now Public


Attention Officers!


Since the release of the Supporter branch, the Dev team has pushed over 500 internal fixes with all of the feedback we received from the Supporter Edition owners to bring the cleaned-up version of the update to everyone! With that being said we here at VOID Interactive are very excited to ship out the latest build of Ready or Not for all players!

To celebrate, we’ve also prepared a beautiful trailer showing off the tweaks to Barisa Cove, some beautiful shots of NEON, and even a special guest at the very end that some of you that are well versed in the tactical shooter genre may recognize.


If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Make sure you follow Ready or Not on Steam here:

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1144200/Ready_or_Not/[/url] Keep your feet on the ground. [i]VOID Interactive[/i]

Keep your feet on the ground.

VOID Interactive

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