

‘City-killer #Asteroid’ Hurtling Towards #Earth

A “city killer” asteroid over 300 feet wide is expected to zoom by Earth on March 25. The space rock was discovered in late February, but only recently did astronomers determine it would not collide with our planet. It’ll sweep by at a distance less than halfway to the moon.

The asteroid has been labelled 2023 DZ2 and it’s a part of the Apollo family of asteroids. Current estimates put 2023 DZ2’s size at about 200 to 400 feet (60 to 120 meters) across. The asteroid is travelling at a speed of 17,672 miles per hour (28,440 km/h), or 7.90 km/second, relative to Earth.

2023 DZ2 is classified as a NEO (Near Earth Object). It orbits the sun every 3 years. Preliminary analysis of the space rock’s trajectory suggests a very unlikely 1-in-7,700 chance that the asteroid will impact Earth on March 28, 2026.

#asteroid #2023DZ2 #closeapproach