

Artisans Cooperative

In 2022 makers joined together to form the Artisans Cooperative – A creative community working to build a better handmade marketplace. We are a member-owned, member-run and member-benefiting co-op. We promote creativity, support artist livelihoods, and connect people through an equitable artistic community.

Via Recomendo issue #380


Mini Tokyo 3D

Mini Tokyo 3D is a real-time 3D map of public transportation in Tokyo. Trains in operation and airplanes that are arriving or departing are represented on a realistic 3D map with smooth animation. This is a “digital twin” that looks exactly like the real world in the digital world.

Users can freely move around on the 3D map and zoom in on the places they want to see to know the “now” of Tokyo. It can be used in various ways such as looking for the transfer route as a route map, checking the destination town and weather before going out, just watching the way along the railway by automatically tracking a train and judging if you should dash to not miss the final train from the current position of the train.

Mini Tokyo 3D documentation

Via Recomendo issue #380


POURQUOI IL FAUT ARRETER LES #MANIFS ! (ou pas) [J'suis pas content ! #380] - #JSPC

En route pour le deuxième épisode de la semaine, avec hélas, une mauvaise nouvelle : Gabriel #Attal, Raphael #Enthoven et Emmanuel #Macron on trouvé les arguments ULTIMES pour mettre fin aux #manifestations ! Si vous avez des contre arguments à leur opposer, n'hésiter pas à utiliser l'espace commentaire (et les poubelles). Bon épisode et à demain !

#humour #politique