

#om namah shivaya

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#ADITI: The #Boundless #Goddess, Mother of the #Adityas (The #Rig #Vedic #Gods)
Aditi is not known for having a specific function, and unfortunately not much is known about her personality and her appearance is not described, besides being “Red hued like a dappled mare”. One thing we do know is that she is a supremely #ancient goddess, being the mother of the Rig Vedic pantheon. The circumstances of her #birth are certainly mysterious. The contradictory verses suggest she is not just a singular goddess, but rather a #ethereal presence, an ancient #soul that pervades the various realms, changes form at will, and perennially comes again to take birth. In the Rig Vedic times she was called Aditi, the Boundless Goddess, in the Puranic times she was called #Adi-Shakti, the #Primordial #Power. Again she was born as the daughter of #Daksha, taking the form of #Sati / #Parvati, the wife of #Shiva. Today, Shakta Hindus call her "Mother of the #Universe", or simply, "Mother".