

Gates Foundation doubles down on misinformation campaign at Cornell as African leaders call for agroecology


The PR investment comes at a time when the Gates Foundation is under fire for spending billions of dollars on agricultural development schemes in Africa that critics say are entrenching farming methods that benefit corporations over people.

Bill Gates’s Foundation Is Leading a Green Counterrevolution in Africa


AGRA was established in 2006 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. Deploying high-yield commercial seeds, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides as its main weapons, the program is meant to help Africa unleash its own Green Revolution in agriculture to fight hunger and poverty. At least, that’s the promise.

#food #food-growing #agroecology #Africa #AGRA #AllianceForAGreenRevolutionInAfrica
#BillAndMelindaGatesFoundation #BillGates #JacobinMagazine #USRTK