

For Osip Mandelstam

by Anna Akhmatova

And the town is frozen solid in a vice,
Trees, walls, snow, beneath a glass.
Over crystal, on slippery tracks of ice,
the painted sleighs and I, together, pass.
And over St Peter’s there are poplars, crows
there’s a pale green dome there that glows,
dim in the sun-shrouded dust.
The field of heroes lingers in my thought,
Kulikovo’s barbarian battleground.
The frozen poplars, like glasses for a toast,
clash now, more noisily, overhead.
As though it was our wedding, and the crowd
were drinking to our health and happiness.
But Fear and the Muse take turns to guard
the room where the exiled poet is banished,
and the night, marching at full pace,
of the coming dawn, has no knowledge.

#AnnaAkhmatova #poem #OssipMandelstam


currently reading (but in small dosis as it is heavy stuff... Stalin times.)

Anna Akhmatova: A Poetic Pilgrimage by Amanda Haight

This striking biography, the first ever written about the great Russian poet, Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966), illuminates Akhmatova's dramatic personal and professional struggles. From the isolation of the twenty-five years she was banned from publishing her work, and the sorrow of her tragic losses—her first husband executed by Stalin, her second dead in the work camps, and her son imprisoned for fourteen years—to her final years of triumph receiving public acclaim as the country's foremost woman poet, this compelling, authoritative account traces the relationship between her writings and her life. Haight provides elegant translations and detailed analyses of Akhmatova's finest works, including "Requiem" and "Poem without a Hero," revealing the brilliance of this now highly praised poet.

#AnnaAkhmatova #biography #books