

What connects #Ethiopia's #Axum, #SaudiArabia's #Mecca and The Dome of the Rock? All are possible locations for the Lost #Ark of the Covenant and a mysterious variant of it called The Ark of Gabriel. But how true are the stories of their existence? What is fake and what is real? And what did the C.I.A discover when they engaged in paranormal experiments to locate The Ark to assist in their intelligence gathering methodologies?


◘ 0:00 Preview: The Entity
◘ 0:28 Ethiopia and The Ark of the Covenant
◘ 3:19 The CIA's Project Sun Streak
◘ 14:00 The Ark of Gabriel and Sorcha Faal Explained
◘ 28:37 #Antartica and The #Vatican

Published 13th October 2024 (43:09)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=yN1cvHd_7NM


It's Official: UN Just Confirmed Antarctica's New Heat Record at 18.3 Celsius

The Antarctic Peninsula is among the fastest-warming regions of the planet - almost 3 °C over the last 50 years

Antarctica's average annual temperature ranges from about minus 10 ° C (14 °F) on the coast to minus 60 °C (minus 76 °F) at the highest parts of the interior.

Even more so than the Arctic, the Antarctic is poorly covered in terms of continuous and sustained weather and climate observations and forecasts, even though both play an important role in driving climate and ocean patterns and in sea level rise.

#Antartica #HeatRecord #ClimateCrisis
