

Why Communist China Is Bending to Local Anti-Propaganda Protests https://www.ozy.com/fast-forward/why-communist-china-is-bending-to-local-anti-propaganda-protests/93997

Schon interessant, wie konsequent selbst “Experten” in ihrer ideologischen Kiste feststecken können.

Reagieren chinesische Behörden schnell und flexibel auf Unmut in der Öffentlichkeit ist das eine “Scheindemokratie”, um die Zufriedenheit und Ruhe sicherzustellen. Zufriedenheit wird incentiviert, was aus dieser Sicht den Ruch der Scheinheiligkeit hat.

Man stelle sich das mal in der westlichen Welt vor: NetzDG, Netzneutralität, Urheberrechtsreform,. Mieten, Rassismus - wo kämen wir da hin, wenn man auf den unbedarften Bürger hören würde. Das wäre ja systemwidrig, wo Politiker die Bürger vor uniformierten Entscheidungen schützen müssen.

Okay, ich vergleiche Kleinigkeiten wie ein Transparent mit großen Themen. Aber wenn ich nicht bei den Kleinigkeiten anfange, die vergleichsweise einfach zu berücksichtigen sind, wie schaffe ich das jemals bei den Großen? Aber andererseits: warum sollte ich überhaupt?!? Wir leben doch im Besten aller schlechten Systeme …

Tags: #dandelíon #China #CPC #Antipropaganda #Propaganda

via dandelion* client (Source)


controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

all do i see,

controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

all do i hear,

controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,


controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

why control me,

controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

please leave me be,

controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

dont chop down trees,

controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

please, please oh please,

controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,


controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,


controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

smells like... death,

controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,


controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,


controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,


controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

placating beam,
controlled narrative.




controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,


controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,


controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

sing oh parrot, sing

controlled narrative

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

spread the word,

controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

just as absurd,

controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

you are controlled,

controlled narrative.

controlled narrative,

controlled narrative,

your narrative,

controlled narrative.

#digitspoems #lyrics #poems #19 #5545 #22 #poetry #bleak #aggression #satire #propaganda #antipropaganda #controllednarrative #dream #matrix #humility #awareness #question #questioneverything #questionmore #indoctrination