

โ™ฒ Tony Pennino - 2023-02-09 16:53:53 GMT

โ€œFreedom is not a state; it is an act. It is not some enchanted garden perched high on a distant plateau where we can finally sit down and rest. Freedom is the continuous action we all must take, and each generation must do its part to create an even more fair, more just society." #JohnLewis #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMatters #BlackLivesMatter #BLM


โ€œPharaonic Warriors...โ€ ~ Nubians (Kushites/Sudanese) were the first civilization to construct pyramids, universities, Royal homes and temples.

A civilization of innate glory, they were renowned for their wealth and prowess as hunters, fighters, educators and skilled artisans in iron, copper, gold and pottery.

They traded extensively with the Far East and Middle Eastern empires and educated the Greeks in astrology, medicine and science.

The Kushite central power of Meroe actually served as an influential pivot for trade and education across Africa, and the world.

Prior to demise, caused by a constant stream of European and Assyrian attacks (as well as their well known culture of tomb-raiding and grave robbing), the original Pharaohs of the African continent, residing across the Horn, were referred to by a number of Greek philosophers as โ€œthe Godly leaders of a Black paradiseโ€. ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ธ


#blackhistory #knowthyself #blackhistory365 #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMatters


In 1759, after years of toiling and suffering on the plantations, Takyi and his allies, Yaw, Sobadu and Kwarteng, who were also of Ghanaian descent, escaped into a cave far beyond their plantations to plan a rebellion.

They escaped during the day when everyone was occupied with work or at night and returning before daybreak. With full support from Queen Nanny, Takyiโ€™s plan was to defeat the British and all slave masters and create Jamaica as a separate and independent black colony.

In May of 1760, Takyi and his followers started the revolt in the early hours of the morning, starting at the plantation where they worked, killing the owners and thus freeing all the slaves.

#BlackHistoryMatters #BlackHistoryEveryday #blackhistory
