

Bleistiftskizze zum Thema: "Raketen mit großer Reichweite" (A mobile rocket launcher is shooting on a planet and the rockets fly so far around the planet that they hit himself. The planet is actually the head of a figure with human body. In the left bottom corner of the picture is a small rabbit-like figure, taking out his left eye, or maybe wondering, what is going on. On the right side of the picture are 2 more figures: A roman looking solder with helmet who stabs his own heart with his sword and a headless rider with a sword, wo carries his head under his arm. Where his head was, above his neck, are 3 stars.)

#Bleistiftskizze zum Thema: " #Raketen mit großer Reichweite"

(A mobile rocket launcher is shooting on a planet and the rockets fly so far around the planet that they hit himself. The planet is actually the head of a figure with human body. In the left bottom corner of the picture is a small rabbit-like figure, taking out his left eye, or maybe wondering, what is going on. On the right side of the picture are 2 more figures: A roman looking solder with helmet who stabs his own heart with his sword and a headless rider with a sword, wo carries his head under his arm. Where his head was, above his neck, are 3 stars.)

#sketch #rockets #missiles