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  1. Prevent Cancer Tumors
  2. Improves Psoriasis
  3. Reduces Migraines
  4. Prevents Blood Clots
  5. Removes Toxins
  6. Lowers Blood Pressure
  7. Reduces Hunger
  8. Boosts Metabolism
  9. Heals Ulcers
  10. Improves Digestion
  11. Supports Eye Health
  12. Contains Anti-fungal Properties
  13. Contains Antibacterial Properties
  14. Reduces Toothache Pain
  15. Inflammation Reducer
  16. Repair Damaged Skin
  17. Promotes Longevity
  18. Reduces Allergies
  19. Stimulates Orgasms
  20. Reduces Anxiety
  21. Boosts the Immune System
  22. Increases the Taste of Healthy FoodsSee less

CAYENNE PEPPER - What the medical community doesn’t want you to know.