

Photographer Shoots an Entire Wedding Using Only a Smartphone | PetaPixel

While smartphones can provide great images in controlled environments, they’re not considered to be as versatile as a dedicated camera. Wedding Photographer Jason Vinson decided to see how a Sony Xperia Pro-I would fare in an setting where he had little to no control: a full-day wedding.
Vinson says he has always wanted to challenge himself to see if he could shoot an entire wedding with nothing but a smartphone, from wedding prep, all the way through to the end of the night. But while he had the desire, he couldn’t expect a paying client to go for the experiment let alone allow for these to be the only photos they receive. To make it work, he coordinated with colleagues and second-shot for another photographer. The clients were also aware of what he was doing throughout the event.

The results are pretty good.

#photography #WeddingPhotography #technology #tech #smartphone #CameraPhone
