

WHO Warns Flooding in Pakistan Risks Lives of 3 Million Children

This is going to turn into the worst humanitarian crisis in the modern history.

And the ridiculously slow reaction of the western leaders to help is truly troubling.

The World Health Organization warns catastrophic flooding in Pakistan has left more than 3 million children in need of humanitarian assistance and at increased risk of disease, drowning and malnutrition. The #WHO has declared the flooding a “grade 3 emergency” — its highest level. New satellite images showed how unprecedented monsoon rains have created a 60-mile-wide inland lake around the overflowing Indus River, leaving a huge swath of Pakistan underwater. United Nations officials warn the flooding of hospitals and clinics could compound the spread of water-borne diseases like dengue and malaria.

#SOSPakistan #PakistanFloods #Famine #HumanitarianCatastrophe #PakistanEmervency #ClimafeCatastroobe