

'There is nothing for us’: Pakistan’s flood homeless start to despair

#PakistanFloods #FloodsPakistan #SOSpakistan #ClinateEmergency #ClimateCatastrophe #TomorrowIsTooLate
Hundreds of thousands of homes are under water in Sindh province. Locals have no food and say the state has abandoned them

Between 5% and 10% of the city’s population of 350,000 are still stuck in their flooded homes. Those who can, travel around by boat. Others swim in the flood waters with a stick to get about. Sewage and flood waters have mixed to a dirty green. Interviews with local people painted a picture of a disaster on a scale that the government and NGOs were unable to cope with.
“Yesterday, along with my ailing father, we stood in this corner of the city for three hours but the rescue team did not help my father or provide him with anything,” he said. “We had to rent a boat and send my father to a nearby hospital for treatment. The entire city is drowned with people inside their houses. No one from the government has come to help us.”
