

"My fellow Americans, I am outraged. Yesterday, I learned from a very reliable source—David Brooks, columnist at our nation’s paper of record, the New York Times—that the reason I’ve had a vague economic malaise for the past 15 or so years was not decades of economic policy that almost exclusively benefited the rich. No, it’s that airport meals have become too expensive."

~ Sylvie McNamara

David Brooks: an unfailing reminder that privilege blinds.



Heh... Another smile amid the more consequential news: Poor baby... #DavidBrooks takes on airport liquor

Restaurant Joins in Roasting NYT Columnist for His Rant on Airport Food

I guess people do follow him on X, and he's devoted to 'tweeting' the minutiae of percieved offenses agains the entitled.

Mixed reaction. I was all with Stephanie Ruhl's complaint about automated airport order-takers giving themselves big tips, but this... Sorry, David... You can afford the $18 burger platter, as expensive as airport food/drink are, but the drink tab is what has you crying.

#airports #concession #dining #airport #costs