ramnath November 23, 2024 5:38pm https://old.bitchute.com/video/mbpyTVgXFNul/ #death expected #2025 #Welshpool #Wales, man #prepares for #Deagle 2025 Welshpool Wales, man prepares for Deagle 2025 Talks about the Deagle, Turbo Cancers, The Vaccine compliers, chemtrails.
nowisthetime January 21, 2023 1:17pm https://www.bitchute.com/video/RXQEPaUK9OuJ/ #Dr. #Bill #Deagle - #ProjectCamelot - #Jesus and the Luciferic Satanic Jews Dr. Bill Deagle - Project Camelot - Jesus and the Luciferic Satanic Jews There are TWO groups at the top who believe they run this world: Teutonic Knights Sabbateans who believe they are the descendants of Jesus and the Luciferic Satanic Jews – these are More of him https://www.bitchute.com/video/GzchdePpGx4w/ Dr. Deagl…