

Podcast subscription app, cross-platform & syncable, please..?

I need a recommendation for an RSS/ATOM-based Podcast subscribing-service that supports subscribing independent (read: non-Spotify) podcasts as well as audio-podcasts hosted at Spotify, Audible, YT Music et cetera…

Preferably one that has client-side access through Android, Windows, and an “HTML5-compliant” Web-browser. And supports syncing of subscriptions between client apps.

I’ve heard some potentially agreeable things about Pocketcast (www.pocketcasts.com) but I’ve never tried it. And I would like to know if there are other better options, best-practices et cetera.

(To note my current “first-world problem” is I tire of syncing my different Podcast subscriptions between my desktop OS and my mobile phone. And I hate being locked-in to Spotify. Even though most Spotify podcasts already have built-in RSS syndication feeds.)


Doc Ed (@Doc Edward Morbius) at a reshare:

The philanthropic sector is … complicated.

You might not expect The Nonprofit Quarterly’s podcast, Tiny Spark, to be a highly-critical examination of the field, but that’s just what it is. There’s a large back-catalogue, and many episodes address failures, inequalities, and distortions resulting from rich and detached donors.

Strongly recommended.

Tiny Spark news podcast


Jacobin magazine: Even Nice, “Generous” Rich People Are Not Your Friends (Sept. 2019)

#DearLazyWeb #podcast // #fz_links