

EU ministers say life without Facebook is great, after Meta warned it may pull its services from Europe

“After being hacked, I’ve lived without Facebook and Twitter for four years, and life has been fantastic,” German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said at a press conference in Paris.

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, who spoke alongside Habeck, said: “I can confirm that life is very good without Facebook and that we would live very well without Facebook.”

I can testify to the same thing. I deleted my Facebook account a good two years back now. It’s true that many businesses still use Facebook (because of status quo) and that Facebook Marketplace is used by many scammers, but there is also Craigslist and other local online classified that be used that offer better protections to sellers and buyers.

It seems the youth anyway are migrating to TikTok and similar platforms as their numbers are way down on Facebook, and advertisers are starting to change their adverts to suite the TikTock environment.

Now Meta has pulled back a bit, stating this was just a business risk they were highlighting, but hopefully the EU stands firm. The world needs to move on from networks that exploit users’ personal data at all costs.

See https://www.businessinsider.co.za/confirm-life-very-good-without-facebook-eu-ministers-meta-pullout-2022-2

#technology #deletemeta #socialnetworks #EU #privacy


EU ministers say life without Facebook is great, after Meta warned it may pull its services from Europe

“After being hacked, I’ve lived without Facebook and Twitter for four years, and life has been fantastic,” German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said at a press conference in Paris.

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, who spoke alongside Habeck, said: “I can confirm that life is very good without Facebook and that we would live very well without Facebook.”

I can testify to the same thing. I deleted my Facebook account a good two years back now. It’s true that many businesses still use Facebook (because of status quo) and that Facebook Marketplace is used by many scammers, but there is also Craigslist and other local online classified that be used that offer better protections to sellers and buyers.

It seems the youth anyway are migrating to TikTok and similar platforms as their numbers are way down on Facebook, and advertisers are starting to change their adverts to suite the TikTock environment.

Now Meta has pulled back a bit, stating this was just a business risk they were highlighting, but hopefully the EU stands firm. The world needs to move on from networks that exploit users’ personal data at all costs.

See https://www.businessinsider.co.za/confirm-life-very-good-without-facebook-eu-ministers-meta-pullout-2022-2

#technology #deletemeta #socialnetworks #EU #privacy
#Blog, ##deletemeta, ##eu, ##privacy, ##socialnetworks, ##technology


To highlight how pervasive Facebook/Meesa is: I am not logged into it anywhere, don't use their SSO, no apps on any devices, blockers and containers on all browsers, and they *still* tracked 3 things and linked it back to my account in one week. Crazy! #DeleteFacebook #DeleteMeta



Fosscord is a free and open source self-hostable and decentralised platform compatible with Discord... There should be such an alternative too for Meta / Facebook

This project really exemplifies what I believe should happen to Meta / Facebook too (the use of interoperable standards). Users should be able to opt to use free and open source self-hostable alternatives that can still keep them in contact with their family and friends that choose to stay behind on a platform. It's the best of both worlds for the individuals, and also means they can more freely move to another platform without being locked in.

Fosscord is free, open source, extendible, self-hostable, decentralised, themeable, secure, encrypted, and compatible with Discord... It's going to be better than Discord! Right now it is still a work in progress, so not everything is fully in place.

See Fosscord

#technology #opensource #decentralised #selfhosting #alternativeto #discord #privacy #deletemeta

Fosscord is still a work in progress. If you're an advanced user, read the Documentation for a guide on how to get...

Imagem/foto- - - - - -



E-Mail is 50 years old this month, and it works pretty much the same, which is good, otherwise we'd all have to use one e-mail company

Think about it, you can pick an e-mail domain anywhere and use any e-mail client on any platform, to send an e-mail to someone anywhere else... We just take that for granted, but if e-mail were newly invented today by a company like say Meta, all the billions of people in the world would have to belong to that same single company in order to send and receive mail to anyone else...

E-mail's greatest success lies in it's open standards and decentralisation. It will no doubt me replaced at some point in the future, as all technologies will, but let us hope that instant messaging and social networks go back to being open and decentralised (like they too were once).

See A Look Back at 50 Years of Email - SparkPost

#technology #email #decentralisation #openstandards #deletemeta


October 29, 2021 is a day to commemorate 50 years of email. Take a look back at how far email has come and where we're headed next.



Last #DeleteFacebook #DeleteMeta thread for the morning. These people are a bad news buffet aren't they? There is so much money to be made with ethical non-predatory business practices, albeit less than these dystopian ones. It's a shame the almighty $ is all that counts to them.
