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"Element X Android (website)Android Matrix messenger application using the Matrix Rust Sdk and Jetpack Compose

benoit announces

Next release 0.4.2 should also be published on F-Droid with push support using UnifiedPush."

#ElementX #Matrix #F-Droid #PoweredByRSS



I installed #ElementX (groovy new #Matrix client) to try out the new speedy sliding sync coming in #Matrix2.0. Then I installed the sliding proxy and updated https://koehn.com/.well-known/matrix/client so ElementX could actually talk to my sync server and do the magic.

Then I discovered that ElementX doesn’t yet handle encrypted room history, which given the way that it works probably makes some sense.

Anyhoo, I hope the magic gets running soon. Matrix is great, and I’m happy to see them fixing the big usability problems. Faster sync, better video chat, are all welcome additions in a FOSS, federated world.