

Republican hatred of --women-- basic human rights shows no bounds.

New Fugitive Slave Act for Women

FTA ... "Lawmakers in Missouri weighed legislation early this year that would allow individuals to sue anyone helping a patient cross state lines for an abortion. The law was ultimately blocked in the state’s legislature, but experts expect such legislation to gain more support if Roe is weakened or overturned.” True. According to NPR, “Idaho prepares to ban most abortions in the state as governor signs Texas-style law”.

I think we should begin calling this what it is, a version of the Fugitive Slave Act, but for women. Most of the laws even gives cash incentives for private citizens to, “Hunt”, those trying to escape the oppression in their home states.

Here's an idea: Once Row v. Wade is overturned, most of the thinking people will flee from the states that model themselves after Russia. We must welcome those people, along with all the others who request asylum in the remaining sane states. We must assist them in their flight. A 21st Century Underground Railroad.

Then, once enough of the people capable of thinking have fled their Republican dictators, we should simply invade those states, imprisoning their leaders (as one does in war). If we can't civilize the rest of the people, then we can find something else for them to do. For those who persist in opposing a woman's right to choose, sterilization remains an option. Everyone's happy.

#GOP #EnemyOfHumanity #Abortion #HumanRights
