

save the insects from the Khazarian mafia milling machines
all life is sacred !
#evil abounds in this kali yuga
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Would you? Should you eat them?
For me: NO!
#Crickets. Learn how to read ingredient labels.
#Acheta-domesticus may be on the #label – it is Cricket. Some are hiding it by calling it “ #AchetaProtein” and promoting it as a great alternative to animal protein.....Slowly, we are being led to believe that eating sustainably raised meat is bad.
There’s a big push to mass produce bugs for food. There’s a big push to get you to stop eating meat.
The FDA allows crickets to be used for and in #food, under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act...From Jan 26th 2023
Consumer Lab tested two popular cricket powders: #Entomo Farms and #Exo.

They found one heavily contaminated with #arsenic, a #carcinogen — 5x the inorganic arsenic found in the most contaminated rice.
Crickets concentrate the toxins from their food. If arsenic is in their food, it is in them.
Cricket flour, or cricket powder, is a made out of milled crickets, and whatever they were fed has concentrated in their little cricket bodies.
•••The lie: “higher in protein than animal protein” … You’d need to eat a bag of cricket powder, maybe 10 Tbs, to equal the protein you get from a 3 oz serving of free range meat.