

On "Unlimited Information Is Transforming Society"

I've finally gotten 'round to reading "Unlimited Information Is Transforming Society", a SciAm article that had surfaced on HN yesterday.

Only just now realised who the authors are: #NaomiOreskes and #EricMConway. The two have collaborated on several earlier works (notably Merchants of Doubt, on intentional disinformation regarding climate change, especially that from oil and coal companies).

Oreskes also wrote (though I've only skimmed bits) on the history of the development of plate tectonics theory from a fringe suggestion considered crackpot to the central organising principle of geology, over 50 years.

Put mildly, I'm a fan.

The article is ... a bit muddled, moreso perhaps because the authors are seeking their theme in a larger space, but it hits on numerous cencepts I've been mulling for a few years makes me damned curious as to what they're up to. I'm pretty sure it's something significant.


The HN discussion doesn't do the piece justice, though that's probably due to both length and complexity.


But yeah, I recommend giving this a close read if you're interested in #HistoryOfScience #HistoryOfTechnology