

#Flattr released no blog post since March 2018. The browser plugin is a good idea. But despite all assurances of transparency, it's stilll complete intransparent to me why some flatterable sites are disabled by default while others are enabled. Why isn't there at least an option to enable all sites by default? I mean, if the site is crap, I would leave immediately and no flattr occurs. Isn't this the basic concept of the browser extension? The way it is now, the old flattr button was easier to use than to enable the switch in the plugin. I found this in the source code on github (at least they kept their promise to make it open source):

"Flattr provides a list of flattrable sites. This list contains " +
"the content sites which we have enabled automatic flattring with " +
"our attention and engagement algorithm by default. If you want to " +
"enable or disable sites manually you can do that from the Flattr " +
"interface while visiting a domain."

Why this arbitrary preselection? Don't they trust their users to make the right decisions? Or don't they trust their own technology? Or is this an exclusive service for Eyeo clients? Why are they restraining their own product?

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