

The G+ Exodus should start assessing Hubzilla and Friendica for capacity purposes

The reports on scalability, costs, and hub needs from Diaspora pod admins including @Di Cleverly and @David Thiery are suggesting we may need a more scalable solution in the near term.

At the Google+ Mass Migration and The Beginning Is Near communities on G+, Hubzilla and Friendica seem to be promising at scale, though we have thin data on this.

Of the open alternatives, these three are the most developed that I'm aware. Tim Berners-Lee's #Solid and #Irupt are very interesting, but are mostly vapourware at present. If you're interested in exploring them (and I certainly am) do, but for a mass movement, that's likely not where we're going to end up initially.

Friendica and Hubzilla are compatible with existing Diaspora pods, so those on Diaspora can still interact. There are also some sought-after features.

I am reporting information second-hand. What I'd like to see is a concerted effort to investigate and explore this and report back results. @woozle@hey.iseeamess.com is running https://hub.toot.cat, a Hubzilla instance, and I've got a rudimentary presence there: dr@hub.toot.cat (the "edmorbius" got lost, I am now officially The Doctor, the truth is known...) and I've been checking that out as I can. A Hubzilla instance at scale talking to Diaspora would be a great thing to have for performance/cost data. Also Friendica. Please mention any in comments.

A reminder that this is a multi-stage process, and what's happening now is that explorers are evaluating remote lands to see what is suitable, in the long term, or if necessary, the short. There's a lot of agitation at G+ to declare some decision made. Group decisions have not been made, and likely won't for some time. It's been days, we have months. Hammering out a reasonable timetable is something I have in mind.

I'm fairly swamped with G+ notifs, two communities I'm moderating, and getting the PlexodusWiki in shape which (quick look) ... seems to have had a bunch of activity while I was away, a Good Thing. That's Good Trouble, but some independent assessment of other options is needed.

If you can keep discussion in this thread it'll be easier for me to monitor, I'll have another in a moment for more general stuff. I plan to not watch notifications closely today except for fires.

Hope all are well, thanks.

#googleplus #gplusrefugees #PlexodusPlanning #PlexodusWiki #GettingAMoveOn