


I like this mobility flow routine, it has a better balance of upper body mobility to the lower body and the flow is smooth and calm. The torso need some mobility love too, movement is lotion. Julia Reppel youtube channel has a treasure throw of mobility videos and mobility workouts. (Try the CARs videos, rotate all your joints)

For additional torso strengthening and mobility, here is an excellent exercise to do: Deep squat w/reach, example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2jSOlvpBno
If sitting in a deep squat is challenging, try hold on to something, a door frame or table leg. If you are stiff then expect this exercise to be difficult. But, if you have lower back issues and your QL-muscle is supertight, this one is the cure. With all mobility drills, do them preferably in reps and sets. Do 10-12 reps on each side for sets of 3. And keep at it for weeks (you didn't get stiff over night so the fix won't happen over night either). That way you will work your nervous system along with your muscles which is far superior to static stretches for a longer lasting result.

#Mobility #Flow #JuliaReppel