

So, I watched this 20-minute plus vid - Tnx @Jamie "The Viking" Ramone - as someone with a background in 90's music and an appreciation for the many "one-hit-wonders". Many who were alive and conscious in the 60's did not escape this phenomenon.

Here's a thin-slice, for those with limited time &/or attention span for the long story of the two who launched the 1996 one-hit wonder,


If the YouTube gods play nice with pora*, this is a cued up at the end, a mash-up of some of the many incarnations. Including an al dente macarina... Fun. For the seriously interested in music biz and 1-hit wonders, you can wind it back to the start for a 25m story.

#Macarina #Music #musica #OneHitWonder #1960s #1966 #musique #musik #LosDelRio #dance #fad