

That McDonalds ice-cream machine story is deeper and more sordid than I'd realised

I've seen a dribble of stories about the mystery of the malfunctioning McDonald's ice-cream machines for a few months. Not being a regular patron of the establishment, it didn't much concern me.

... though the story turns out to be more interesting and twisted than I'd realied.

The TL;DR: McDontalds and Taylor Company, the manufacturer (and maintainer) of the machines have a sweetheart deal going between them, at the expense of franchise owners.

Johnny Harris (who puts out numerous damned good videos) has an excellent explainer of the whole situation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrDEtSlqJC4

And Matt Stoller, the anti-monopoly guy, also has an excellent analysis: https://mattstoller.substack.com/p/what-broken-mcdonalds-ice-cream-machines

#McDonalds #TaylorCompany #McFlurry #McScam #McBroken #JohnnyHarris #MattStoller #Monopoly