

Wasserman. Told ya so.

Democracy Matters :verified: - 2024-07-21 20:18:54 GMT

From Dave Wasserman:Now, Rs are locked into a nominee who's 78, while Harris is 59. Recent 10+ yr age gaps between major nominees have favored (two) younger Dems:

2012: Obama (51) def. Romney (65)
2008: Obama (47) def. McCain (72)
1996: Clinton (50) def. Dole (73)
1992: Clinton (46) def. Bush (68)

#TrumpIsOld #TrumpIsAncient #NeverAgainTrump #TrumpWillLose2024 #VoteBlue


Take a wild, wild guess why The Forward Party and No Labels are gaining steam.

Democracy Matters :verified: - 2024-01-28 21:30:29 GMT

It's Biden or fascism.Having trouble voting for Biden? Boost another ticket in the run up to 2028—when the incumbent is ineligible.

In 2024, a vote for ANYONE BUT Biden/Harris IS A VOTE FOR THE GOP.

Sit it out? That’s a vote for GOP.

Democrats are far from perfect. Change the system; but If you choose to destroy it, you may not see democracy again in your lifetime. Trust the collective history of third-party and other spoilers.

#VoteBlueToSaveTheWorld #NeverAgainTrump #BidenOrFascism