

I went from being #homeless, to living in a tent at a dilapidated squat, to having a #corporate job that totally drained my soul (selling large tents… oh, the irony!) & made me feel like I was part of the worst dark carnival of a circus ever! ~ After 2 years of ‘sticking it out’: It took me over a year to fully recover mentally / physically…

This #militarized #scientific #corporate #dictatorship has fucked with my life long enough.

The last 3-4 years have been pure insanity of ‘trying to make it work’ in the system after being active in the ‘counter-culture’ for the majority of my life… I’m finally ‘back to normal’ (whatever the hell that is) and I want to apologize to everyone (like #OpESR & Crew) that I basically ditched to try and make my life more ‘stable’…

It wasn’t worth it, and now i’m back to where I was all those years ago. ~ I miss my homies, I miss my anonfam, I miss my crew as all the people around me are lost in the #disinfo #doublespeak #doublethink #propaganda #matrix and here I am, again, outcast by all of my #realness