

2 years ago when I moved back to south of France, I found a baby lizard running on the walls of the balcony. It ran away before I could take a picture of it.

I have seen it come out and run around a few times and today I saw this gorgeous adult lizard, hiding behind one of my compost bins who stood up a moment and stared at me, as if it was startled by seeing me as I was seeing him, then it ran away behind other pots.

I looked online to identify it, I strongly believe it is a "Common wall or Moorish Gecko" (https://wildlifeinfrance.com/lizards-france/common-wall-or-moorish-gecko-in-france) but I am not 100% sure.

In the mean time, thinking about finding a suitable name for it.

#France #Lizard #PetLizard #Gecko #Antibes