#caturday #cat #predicts #weather
If a cats sneezes it is a sign that it will rain.
The cardinal point to which a cat turns and washes her face after rain, will give you the precise direction from which the wind will be blowing…
Cat snoring equals bad weather. (I must say, one of my cats snores every night, and so I must debunk this one immediately) Perhaps it’s accurate if your cat snores and it’s not typical.
When your kitty is washing her head, and cleaning behind her ear – it’s going to rain!!
Expect a big ‘ol Thunderstorm when your cat is lying on is back with its mouth turned up. (I think I have to debunk this one too. The same cat that snores, lays on his back all of the time and we haven’t had a thunderstorm in months, snowstorm – yes, thunderstorm, no.)
Here’s a good one: When your cat washes his face with his back to “the fire” expect a thaw in winter. This reminds me a bit of groundhogs day, with Punxsutawney Phil. Did he see his shadow this year?