
From GI Rights Hotline:

Before You Join: Do you know enough to enlist?

#Military #Recruiters and advertisements promise job training, money for college, adventure, and leadership skills. Do you know enough to enlist? Before you join, it can be helpful to take a good look at what you're getting into.

The following information are recommendations from the American Friends Service Committee Youth and Militarism Program, adapted from their pamphlet “Do you know enough to enlist?”. AFSC has worked for years with people considering military enlistment.

- Will #enlistment help me to achieve my goals?
- Am I trying to escape my own problems?
- Am I willing to give up control?
- Am I willing to #kill … and be killed?
- Do I have other options?
- If you talk with a #recruiter
- If you decide to enlist
- Already signed up for the DEP?

Click here to read the GI Rights Hotline's full advice before enlisting: https://girightshotline.org/en/military-knowledge-base/topic/truth-in-recruiting

Please share with anyone you know who is at risk of joining the US military!

#peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjection