

interview between Dr Lee Merritt and Harald Kautz [Vella] In which he tells her the Chemtrails and HAARP Control upto 70% of Americans/Worlds Population [MIND/BODY Control] The #Chemtrails are part of the 3D Scanning of Every Living Organism and Controlling the Bio-Field Structure the JABS and 5G were going to be THEIR Final Blow on Humanity BUT it was stopped JUST Before. THEY don;t care about MONEY [THEY can just Print ££$$$] It was always about Controlling Humanity so THEY Could then Control Our Minds to ACCEPT anything/EVERYTHING And we know where that;s going. [show less]

6 hours ago
When #RosaKoire said 'they want to #inventorize the #whole #world, every insect and tree etc" I wondered #how would they do that.
The answer-nanotech in chemtrails covering the world-every inch of the #planet.


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#Amazing #Woman #RosaKoire who passed into eternity on 30 May 2021, just 13 days before this was originally aired .. it is my personal opinion that #Rosa was 'targeted' bcz she was a threat to the #NWO #Agenda.. Rosa was definitely exposing them..
""Rosa #Koire is a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. Her twenty-eight year career as an expert witness on land use has culminated in exposing the impacts of Sustainable Development on private property rights and individual liberty."