Texas considers new bill that could severely limit residents’ use of solar power: ‘[It] would turn all of Texas into an HOA’
... According to the latest version of the bill (as of late May), any Texas resident with a large solar or wind system who wants to connect to the grid would need a permit. The lengthy permitting process requires a public meeting to allow comments, multiple surveys and assessments, and a website with information about the project.
SB 624 also requires that wind turbines be placed a whole 3,000 feet — more than half a mile — away from the property line, except with the permission of neighboring property owners.
“Texas #SB624 would turn all of Texas into an HOA where your neighbors are now going to be able to tell you what you can and can’t do on your own property,” tweeted Rhodes.
As it’s currently written, the bill applies to facilities with a capacity of 10 megawatts or higher to connect “with a transmission facility.” That wouldn’t include small residential systems, which are usually between one and four kilowatts (0.001 to 0.004 megawatts), according to Yes Energy Solutions. ...