

26 Year Old Man Convicted Of Molesting Minor, Sentenced To 2 Years In Girls Juvenile Detention Center As Woman!

"One thing that has baffled me for years is the sentencing of criminals.

I am trying to figure out what formulas do the courts use in determining what provides adequate justice for the victims, and adequate punishment to mete out to the convicted criminals.

In a perfect example of the system not working, a man, James Tubbs, began a gender transition from male to female after being taken into custody on charges of child molestation as Hannah Tubbs. Tubbs has been sentenced to 2-years in a juvenile detention facility.

Hannah Tubbs, 26 years of age, is a biological male who was convicted for sexually assaulting a child while he was 17 years old. Tubbs was not tried or convicted while a juvenile but has been sentenced to serve two years in a juvenile detention facility.

Tubbs will not be required to register as a sex offender because the offense was committed while Tubbs was underage."


#ChildMolester #Sentenced #Girls #DetentionCenter