

Jared Kushner's Saudi Money Merits DOJ Scrutiny, Former Trump Lawyer Says

Donald Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen said the Department of Justice (DOJ) should probe Jared Kushner's ties to Saudi Arabia after the former president was indicted for allegedly mishandling classified documents post-presidency on Thursday.

A grand jury indicted Trump on 37 charges ranging from willful retention of classified documents to obstruction charges in connection to the investigation into whether he mishandled classified documents after leaving office in January 2021 led by special counsel Jack Smith. Federal prosecutors are accusing the former president of mishandling sensitive presidential records and obstructing government efforts to retrieve them. Trump, however, has maintained his innocence, accusing prosecutors of investigating him for political reasons. ...

Kushner's ties to Saudi Arabia were subject to renewed scrutiny after The Washington Post reported in February that Saudi Arabia gave $2 billion to Kushner's Affinity Fund from a sovereign wealth fund that was chaired by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The Trump administration forged closer ties to Saudi Arabia than previous administrations, oftentimes attracting criticism due to a myriad of controversies surrounding Riyadh.

"I think the DOJ should be, if they're not already, looking at the unholy relationship that exists between Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Bin Salman, and Jared Kushner," Cohen said.

He continued to say why he believes why this aspect of the investigation could be necessary, explaining: "I mean this whole $2 billion to an unqualified hedge funder makes no sense to me. And in light of the information that came out that there was military information on Iran, and we all know that Saudi Arabia has had Iranian aggression on their mind for a long time. Who knows what was shown to them, who knows what was discussed, who knows what was sold?" ...

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#kushner #saudiarabia by Andrew #Stanton #newsweek