

Planetary alignment on 28 of August 2024

On August 28, the planets will align in the order of: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn. About one hour before sunrise, sky gazers may pick them out with their naked eyes, although some of the planets will require the aid of binoculars to spot; Uranus and Neptune are farthest away and faintest, so optical aids will be needed to see them. Meanwhile, Mercury, found furthest east, will lie near the horizon where sunrise will soon begin and may be washed out by its glare, so don’t stare at it too long. All six will cluster within a sector narrower than 180 degrees. Of course, an unobstructed view with a clear horizon and little light pollution will aid your parade viewing enjoyment.

A few months down the road, on February 28, 2025, sky gazers now eagerly anticipate a great alignment involving 7 planets, in this order: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Neptune, Mercury, and Saturn.


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