

The love on their faces makes me sick

Only a few years ago, such image was unthinkable.

The Russian puppet they used to call him. A man with roots in Neo Nazi groups and a populist with no program other than hate.

Today, this despicable charlatan setting the direction of Swedish politics.

Having received the blessing of 21% of the voters. He is not holding back.

Crush every barrier towards environmental Armageddon.

Destroy unions, public schools and public service.

Cut the funding to all green activities subsidiesed by former government and declare war against cyclists in big cities.

It's just hard to understand how far this man can take the country before people realize that their problems were not caused by a few Afghan minors who came into the country "illegally", but policies of conservatives and the Nazis that is turning Sweden, more and more like US.

#Sweden #Politics #StopNazis #Personal