

Time for a #rant... I'm supposed to mark all those students who might not pass this semester. For that I need to log into our administrative system. And that system is down. But that isn't the only bad thing. Have a look at the error message:

The requested URL C:\Program Files (x86)\Sybase\EAServer5.0\bin\Jaguarhttpservlet.log (系統找不到指定的路徑。) was not found on this server.

So we are using the #Sybase EA Server 5.0, running on #Windows. I knew what server we were running, but the Windows part was new to me. The list of supported platforms is
Sun Solaris
Microsoft Windows
We had to go for Windows, of course. Btw, the last version of the EA Server is to my knowledge 6.3.1. So no, we are not running the latest version. But it gets even better: Version 6.3.1 reached EOL in 2015. No, there is no typo, that was eight years ago. I have no idea when support for 5.0 ended, but it was definitely earlier.

I would absolutely not be surprised if someone evil finally noticed what stone-age software we are running and thought "Let's have some fun"...

In case you wonder: We are a technical university.