

"This is a residential neighbourhood."
#FaceTheHorror "A war, is when two sides are fighting... so i think right there... we can all agree... it wasnt exactly a war." -- Bill Hicks.
"You must remember that the attack on Iraq, although presented as a war, it was not a war. It was so one sided, and it became an attack on the civilian population. The most vivid, and probably the most educative, revelation, was collateral murder." -- John Pilger
"THIS VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC FOOTAGE" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G_lYSEcqdA #IllegalInvasion #1MillionDeadIraqis
not the first time. #SeeWhatTheyDo #ruthless #deskkillers #CollateralMurder #wokepeopleuptothehorror #facethehorror #Iraq #WikiLeaks #JohnPilger #NotAWar " #LightThemUp " #deathfromabove #AreWeTheBaddies #UnarmedCivilians #WarCrime #WarCrimes #asymmetry #NotAThreat #Unarmed #WeaponsOfMassDestruction #TheyLied #FullSpectrumDominance #hypocrisy #TheyBombedMyHouse #Hate ... " #LookAtThoseDeadBastards " " #Nice " ... #EnemyCombatant #CollateralDamage #KilledCivilians #Orwellian ... #FirstTheyCame #NotInOurName #ThereIsSomethingYouCanDo #YouWillFindItAndYouWillDoIt