

Union win at the ABC (MEAA)
"The new offer provides pay rises totalling 11% over three years, backdated to October 1 last year, plus a $1500 sign on bonus.

Management has also agreed to conduct a transparent audit of the gender and CALD* pay gap, to fix the broken buyout system, and to put in place a new pathway for career progression for early and mid-career journalists.

MEAA Media Director Cassie Derrick congratulated union members for their solidarity during the long bargaining period with management.

'Clearly, the threat of industrial action has helped to focus ABC’s management’s mind, as has the outpouring of support for our members from ABC viewers and listeners.' she said."

*CALD = Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
#hands-off-our-ABC #MEAA #Media #arts #entertainment #Union #Union-strong


Bring back Pinchy! (pic from the last time we fended this Guy off)
so the recent vic #libspill - Matthew Guy is once again leader of the Victorian Liberals. Now, this Guy we've heard plenty about, unlike the former leader Windscreens O'Brien. Unions are looking to take things up a notch with the return of Pinchy :D plus banners, etc. so if anyone wants to slip ten ozbucks that way, here is a link

#Union #we-built-this-city #Pinchy #Union-strong #Vic #oz #not-a-leader-just-a-liberal