Take note, America's grainlands.
♲ Verdant Square Network - 2024-12-07 02:47:12 GMT
Emissions from four Punjab district shows stubble burning leads to poorer health phys.org/news/2024-12-emission… #leftistnews #news #VSN
Take note, America's grainlands.
♲ Verdant Square Network - 2024-12-07 02:47:12 GMT
Emissions from four Punjab district shows stubble burning leads to poorer health phys.org/news/2024-12-emission… #leftistnews #news #VSN
Sorry, but this hits a religion brick wall every time. It's a shame but it's a fact.
♲ Verdant Square Network - 2024-11-14 18:23:41 GMT
Stop Trashing Trans People. Get Smarter About Gender. msmagazine.com/2024/11/14/demo… #leftistnews #news #VSN
Speaking of which, I've noticed that the Dems screaming about scrapping the filibuster are all quiet all of a sudden. I wonder why.
♲ Verdant Square Network - 2024-11-12 02:35:09 GMT
Democrats Have A Path To Power Against Trump On Government Funding politicususa.com/2024/11/11/de… #leftistnews #news #VSN
To no avail. Trump intends to be Biden's opposite. Always.
♲ Verdant Square Network - 2024-11-10 21:26:45 GMT
Biden will push Trump to back Ukraine in transition meeting: Adviser aljazeera.com/news/2024/11/10/…#aljazeera #worldnews #VSN
Utter nonsense, this. In the U.S. there never was such a thing as a workers' party. EVER. We've had a plethora of minor parties besides the Big Two, but none of them were specifically for workers, so now I can even tell the pretentious Socialist Party to STFU.
♲ Verdant Square Network - 2024-11-08 04:08:07 GMT
The Working Class “Can’t Keep Relying on the Democratic Party,” Historian Says truthout.org/video/the-working… #leftistnews #news #VSN
You can't be serious--"green transition" IS addressing climate. Sheeesh!
♲ Verdant Square - 2024-09-28 02:46:35 GMT
Green and digital transitions are putting environmental problems on the back burner, says study phys.org/news/2024-09-green-di… #leftistnews #news #VSN
♲ Verdant Square - 2024-08-21 15:53:10 GMT
Iraqi Parliament Poised to Legalize Child Marriage: ‘It Steals Your Future’ https://msmagazine.com/2024/08/21/iraq-child-marriage/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #leftistnews #news #VSN
♲ Verdant Square - 2024-08-07 02:35:10 GMT
Trump Is Melting Down After Tim Walz Joined The Ticket https://www.politicususa.com/2024/08/06/trump-is-melting-down-after-tim-walz-joined-the-ticket.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #leftistnews #news #VSN
♲ Verdant Square - 2024-08-04 02:33:10 GMT
Trump Debate Skipping Will Backfire As Kamala Harris Will Get A Free ABC Special https://www.politicususa.com/2024/08/03/trump-debate-skipping-will-backfire-as-kamala-harris-will-get-a-free-abc-special.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #leftistnews #news #VSN
♲ Verdant Square - 2024-07-25 19:56:36 GMT
Trump Was Not Struck By a Bullet https://progresspond.com/2024/07/25/trump-was-not-struck-by-a-bullet/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #leftistnews #news #VSN
When Dems ditch Biden because of the numbers, they're not going to see much by way of numerical improvement because AIPAC has already chosen Trump.
♲ Verdant Square - 2024-07-21 19:56:38 GMT
Kamala Harris: How Strong a Democratic Nominee? https://prospect.org/politics/2024-07-21-kamala-harris-new-democratic-nominee/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #leftistnews #news #VSN
♲ Verdant Square - 2024-07-02 23:53:35 GMT
Sanders: Supreme Court Is “Out of Control” and Must Be Reformed https://truthout.org/articles/sanders-supreme-court-is-out-of-control-and-must-be-reformed/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #leftistnews #news #VSN