

Hold the phone, Leeroy.

Harris has also been abroad as Biden's stand-in, thus being already familiar on the world stage. Hillary worked her arse off as Sec. of State, but the world wasn't in a state back then like it is now, so Harris has been double-teaming with Blinken.

anubis2814 - 2024-07-25 04:09:43 GMT

As someone here pointed out, and it bears repeated by multiple people that #VicePresidentHarris hasn't done a lot outside of DC that most VPs do because she had to spend all of her time in Washington breaking tie votes. She's broken more tie votes that any other VP in US history. The last VP to do even close to this much was John C Calhoun. The #vicepresident is supposed to be a boring ass job where tie breaking is rare so they go out and do stuff the president asks them to do. Instead she's had to essentially keep her senator role, and ONLY because republicans refuse to compromise on ANYTHING. Don't let people tell you she hasn't been doing anything, she's worked harder than any other VP in history. She'd love to enjoy her fun VP side projects but she's literally too busy for that. Haven't heard much from her in the past 4 years? Blame the #republicans
#kamala2024 #harris2024